An Innovative Way to Make Condom Use More Acceptable…
Tell me more about how it works
JANESWAY is a panty with a unique design that is worn during sex. It has a soft latex center which covers all the exposed area and goes up inside. JANESWAY liberates men and women by giving them a choice.
Because JANESWAY is made with latex, and doesn’t need to be fitted by a professional, costs can be kept low. And this method will feel somewhat familar to people because the protective part of JANESWAY is held onto the woman’s body by underpants, something that can be made appealing, and fashionable.
JANESWAY will allow a change from other methods, and great relief for many people who find male condoms too tight, or difficult to put on.
The flow of lovemaking is not interrupted —
“There’s no stopping!”
Technical information regarding JANESWAY, a panty condom worn by the woman during sex:
The JANESWAY disposable model is a biodegradable device worn by women during sex. The cotton panty part serves as a holder for the latex portion which covers the entire genital area and extends into the vagina. Future styles will have replaceable centers, made of latex or other suitable materials, and held in place by a variety of panties, straps, or other means.
Due to the rise in HIV infection in teenage females, and women generally, it is felt that a device that the woman wears will help lower the rate of infection. Also, as JANESWAY covers much more area of the woman than a male condom or any other product on the market, it suggests than herpes and genital warts protection will be much greater for both male & female.
Additionally, as the JANESWAY device can be in place before lovemaking begins, interruption could be lessened.
Clinical trials are being done during November and December, 1999, at California Family Health Council in Los Angeles, under Ron Frezieres, Principal Investigator. This study of 35 couples will determine the clinical performance of the JANESWAY . Clinical performance factors to be examined will include breakage, slippage of the condom outside of the vagina, and assessment of measures of product acceptability (fit, sensitivity, ease of use, product preference) and product safety (discomfort, irritation, trauma.) No physical problems are anticipated as the properties of both latex and cotton are well documented. Premarket approval from the FDA is a goal after a larger 200 couple study further measuring performance standards.
Where can I buy it?
It’s not in the drugstores. That’s because it is listed by FDA regulations as a medical device and must undergo testing before it can be sold.
PRESS RELEASE about JANESWAY and clinical trials status.
Aren’t condoms the best way?
“Right now, condoms are the only effective product on the market to protect men and women from disease during intercourse. Everyone needs to use condoms every time they need protection. But there are diseases that can be contracted outside the condom area, and alternatives are necessary for persons who have difficulties using condoms. ”
Condoms only cover approximately 60% of the penis, and there are some sexually transmitted diseases that can be transferred outside the area of the condom, such as herpes and genital warts, which are now known to be a precourser to cervical cancer.
TWO- THIRDS (Yes, that ‘s TWO out of THREE!) of male condoms sold in the USA are purchased by WOMEN!
In case you wonder why, here are some of the reasons given by some men that they don’t like about male condoms, not that any reason excuses any person from protecting their partner by practicing safe sex….
All the reasons add up to the need for change, the need for new and better ways…. and for variety, “the spice of life”.”
Is there an educational program?
“What can anyone do to help?”
Education is really the best answer, and it is always the first step in prevention of any disease. The next step is a barrier to the disease.
JANESWAY has been received with much enthusiasm during the National “WOMEN & HIV”, the African HIV Conference, and the Geneva World Health Organization Conference (WHO) with many healthcare educators and providers from all over the United States and the world requesting samples and educational materials now, so they could begin to educate their communities with many conference attendees signing up to receive information about JANESWAY and samples as soon as possible. Everyone felt that now is the time for this product to be on the market, in order to make a change for the better in family reproductive health worldwide. Obviously this product appeals to people and they are eager to use it, and a disease preventative must be used to be effective.
Dr. Malcolm Potts, noted worldwide as an educator on contraception, had this to say:
On common sense grounds, JANESWAY is easy to understand, difficult to misuse, and should work exceedingly well (to prevent disease & pregnancy.)…plus it has a sexy element to it.
Dr Malcolm Potts, UC Berkeley, Bixby Chair of Population and Family Planning
Why we need JANESWAY
Women get all sexually transmitted diseases at a rate MORE THAN DOUBLE that of men. And if they get pregnant while they have an STD, the child is at risk also.
That’s how it is NOW… but take a moment to consider how life could be for them in a few years.
By the year 2000, more than 13 million women are projected to be infected with HIV and four million will have died from AIDS (Ankrah, 1995; UNAIDS, 1996). Of all HIV cases, 75% to 85% are from male-female sexual contact. AND our HUMAN POPULATION is increasing at an alarming rate, as well.
But not here in the USA!”, many people respond
CLICK HERE to read letter from National Women’s Health Network about AIDS in USA
Also, when young people at work or college begin to search for a marriage partner, their choices can be from anywhere in the world.
There are many discussions about preventing AIDS, but most of the advice is “don’t have sex” or “use condoms.” Let’s face it — statistics prove some teenagers are going to have sex, and not even all adult men and women consistently manage to use condoms, so it can be even more difficult for teens.
And please don’t think it’s only teens –Reproductive health is a real issue for men and women of all ages in all walks of life. The most recent finding is that AIDS has spread to the Senior Citizens, many of whom have never had any condom education or prevention information.
Sometimes the media reports a cure for AIDS. This “cure” is for those who can tolerate the drugs and can PAY for those drugs — about $15,000 or more per year! And none of the “cures” will help to PREVENT the pain and spread of AIDS and other STDs.
Healthcare professionals Mailing List
Doctors, nurses, midwives, counselors and healthcare educators please note: There are no samples, because Due to federal restrictions, none can be given out unless clinical trials are done. No Funding is available for such trials. Venture capitalists cannot invest in anything needing clinical trials.
Future styles of JANESWAY’s
panty will be able to provide three – way use, securing each item by using the same panty holder for:
- a regular panty center
- a JANESWAY™ protection device for sex
- a holder for monthly convenience products
Click Here to see more styles.
(Yes, we are planning for a substance that would allow the JANESWAY centers to be reusable. Latex is not reusable.)