THIS WAS A PRESS RELEASE that no one ever printed. NO NEWSPAPER accepted this info, most saying they would only take info about products that were proven safe by clinical trials. BUT MALE CONDOMS, A LATEX held between men and women, never had clinical trials. The first clinical trial happened at the end of the Clinton administration. When Bush became President, he issued the GAG RULE saying NO FUNDING would be given to any country that mention abortion in any part of their national health plan. Because of serious birthing complications in some parts of the world,this edict killed many women. There is no way for any citizen to know how much of this continues today.
BEHIND the SCENES, the NIH – FDA regulations were changed so there is no longer funding for ANY protection for women.
But we do know the statistics in OUR COUNTRY, which is that over 60% of youth have herpes and /or genital warts found OUTSIDE the condom area. This is JUST ONE of the major reasons to DEREGULATE ALL barrier methods.
BEHIND the SCENES, the NIH – FDA regulations were changed so there is no longer funding for ANY protection for women.
But we do know the statistics in OUR COUNTRY, which is that over 60% of youth have herpes and /or genital warts found OUTSIDE the condom area. This is JUST ONE of the major reasons to DEREGULATE ALL barrier methods.
June 7, 1999
Sebastopol, California
Spring 2002 Update
Subject: New PROTECTION PANTY awarded funding for initial phase of FDA trials.
A private corporation located in Sebastopol, California, announced that they will receive funding from N I C H D (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Grant Number: 1 R43 HD35407-01A1) for the first phase of testing a new style prophylactic/contraceptive, which is worn by the woman during sex.
JANESWAY Panty Condom named for Jane ( Everywoman ) Doe, will be tested at California Family Health Council located in Los Angeles, under the supervision of Ron Frezieres, Principle Investigator for. The first testing will take approximately two months, and is expected to begin after July 1 this year.
“This is a very simple product, everyone understands it immediately” said a spokesperson for and Coordinator of the trials. JANESWAY is designed to fit the inside of a woman, and is held in place by a specially designed pair of cotton panties, which are left on during sex. The entire middle of the panties is high-quality latex, including the portion which is worn internally. “There are lots of advantages designed into JANESWAY Panty Condom, and the trials required by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) will show just how efficiently this design can function to stop the spread of disease, and prevent pregnancy.”
Many men might enjoy having an option for prevention of pregnancy or disease. Currently, men have no choice for reproductive health and safety except male condoms, which some men find uncomfortable or difficult to use. Women, although they have many means to prevent pregnancy, have no protection that can provide a full barrier against disease. And for some women, chemical birth control becomes more risky as they grow older. A product such as is often called a “two for one” meaning that because it is a barrier to both disease and pregnancy, two health benefits are received.
Although some models may reach the market that will be completely disposable, future models will feature interchangeable parts. When has been shown in public, many men express interest in the new sexy panty, while most women are clearly delighted at the prospect of having such a convenient, appealing and easy to operate means for optimizing reproductive safety. SINCE the 1960’s women purchase more than 60% of male condoms in the USA.
The most feared sexually transmitted disease is AIDS, but there are many other diseases which could be effectively prevented by a barrier method such as , especially herpes, which is often located outside the area of a condoms use. Herpes can be controlled by medication, but has no cure, and can cause blindness to babies in the birth canal. Genital warts, another disease frequently outside the condom barrier area, is now known to be a precursor to cancers of the reproductive system. Some diseases, like chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis, can make conception rates low, or cause permanent infertility.
Ron Frezierez (Principal Investigator)
California Family Health Council Los Angeles, CA